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Umberto was born on the 3rd of June 1983 in Foligno in the province of Perugia. He is an electronics expert, and he began studying juggling and stilts as an autodidact in 2007, and attended theatre courses with the "Zoe Garage" project and theatre improvisation with the "Voci e progetti" association in Perugia.
In 2008, he started teaching juggling and stilts in the street arts course "Academy Circus" in Foligno (PG). In the spring 2010, he joined the P.N.T. ATMO theatre company as an actor on stilts.
In the winter 2011-2012, he moved to Turin to study at Philip Radice's Atelier di Teatro Fisico, where for two years he studied physical theatre, mime, dance, acrobatics, juggling, diction and music full-time; achieving about 2000 total hours of lessons.
In 2012 he created his show "Doisberto street show", in which he experimented with a new use of stilts, integrating acrobatics and improvisation through the engagement of the public
, in this period he start to travel all over Italy and Brazil and take part in dozens of events as in Italy:

“Artemigrante Festival Internazionale Arte di Strada” Macerata, Italy.
“Gromenade Strassenkünstlerfestival” Gromitz, Germany.
“Promenaden-Künstler-Fest” Cuxhaven, Germany.
“Šermukšnis” International Street Theatre Festival, Lithuania.
“Clown&Clown festival” Monte San Giusto, Italy.
“Festival internazionale Artisti di Strada FVG”, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Italy.
“Come d'Incanto”, Ardesio, Italy.
“La Notte delle Streghe”, San Giovanni in Marignano, Italy.
“Shakabum”, Cuneo, Italy.
“Festival Lunathica” Ciriè, Italy.
“Teatrinstrada” Settimo Milanese, Italy.
“Festival de Circo do Cearà” Fortaleza, Brazil.
“Festino Festival de Circo da Chapada Diamantina”, Brazil.
“Convençao Brasileira de Malabarismo e Circo”, Brazil.
“CIRCUSP Encontro de Circo na Universidade de São Paulo”, Brazil.
“Circovolante - Encontro de Palhaços de Mariana”, Brazil.
“Euriso - Encontro internacional de palhaços de Fernandopolis”, Brazil.
“Circovolante - Encontro de Palhaços de Mariana”, Brazil.

In those events he participat also giving  workshops of Physical Theatre, Mimo, Acroyoga and Stilts.

In 2020 he realised an independent project called "Doisberto project", in which, through videos published on the project’s YouTube channel, he recounts the life of a Clown who travels around Brazil in a small van, performing street shows in squares, favelas, universities and theatres.
Now Umberto lives between Europe and Brazil, carrying on the 'Doisberto project', while training and participating in Circus and Street Art festivals.




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